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Supporting marginalised groups and promoting peaceful coexistence
The University of Haifa proudly exemplifies how a shared society based on respect, tolerance and peaceful coexistence can operate amongst a campus community. The University has by far the highest proportion of students from the Arab and Druze communities of any Israeli university, and it plays an important role as a vehicle of social mobility for Israel by educating a new, more diverse middle class. It also has the highest proportion of students who are the first in their family to receive a higher education, be they secular, Jews and the Haredim, Arabs or Druze. The city of Haifa is a natural social-science laboratory, hosting more than a dozen religious factions, which live together harmoniously. The University’s campus reflects and embraces the city’s diversities, and is perhaps a looking glass into the future of how multi-ethnic, multi-faith communities can coexist peacefully.

The Ezri Centre for Iran & Persian Gulf Studies
The main mission of the Ezri Centre for Iran & Persian Gulf Studies is to promote research, achieve a better and deeper understanding, and provide crucial insights into the society, economy, politics, religion and culture of Iran and other countries of the Persian Gulf, through the expertise of a sterling team of specialists and the employment of interdisciplinary tools and methods.
The Centre was founded by Meir Ezri z”l, Israel’s first ambassador to Iran. Throughout his mission to Iran, Ezri was awarded many decorations by the Shah and the government of Iran. In 2006, he realised his dream of founding the Ezri Centre for Iran and Persian Gulf Studies at the University of Haifa. Today, his granddaughter Dr. Efrat Sopher serves as an Advisor & Board Member of the Centre and is a University of Haifa UK Trustee.

Marine Sciences and Technology at the University of Haifa
The University of Haifa is Israel’s leading research university for marine sciences and technology. The Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences is a unique Faculty with a global reach, applying an interdisciplinary approach to marine biology, marine geosciences and marine technology, and integrating with maritime archaeology and civilizations, and maritime policy / strategy.
Collaborations with Israeli institutions and international universities, like Harvard, Oxford and Berkley, have enabled exciting research projects across the globe, from Domica to Cyprus and UAE. Through the Kadas Nexus for Climate Change Solutions blue-tech translational research that addresses some of our biggest environmental challenges will be developed and commercialised.

Strengthening the Community
To University of Haifa, commitment to strengthening its local community is a top priority and a key component of measuring its success. The University sees itself as an integral part of society where instance, the underprivileged seek help with childcare at our interdisciplinary nursery clinics for hearing problems, and where Law Clinics address the concerns of neglected citizens – the elderly, sick children and women at risk who have poor access to legal representation.
The Rector’s flagship projects are part of the University’s approach to promoting solidarity and minimising social exclusion. One such project is the Ethiopian heritage preservation project which includes the documentation and collection of stories of the community, for the benefit of future generations. Another project involves Gerontology students who study alongside the local elderly community and actively address the issues concerning them.