About The University
The University of Haifa was established in 1972 with the vision of strengthening the northern region of Israel and beyond. It had a special remit to promote the Humanities and to find new research areas for its ambitious academics. The natural surroundings, the sea and the mountainside were very much the incentive for discovery, hence the emergence of Marine Sciences and the Institute of Evolution, tapping into the ecological secrets of the Carmel Forest.
The University rises above the landscape with its architect designed Eshkol Tower. However as an active player in the region, it is no ivory tower institution. It is an integral part of society with a hands-on approach and a student body committed to academic excellence.
It is a time of rapid growth at the University with strong partnerships at hand. A discovery health tower being built in partnership with Rambam Medical Centre, a downtown campus is underway in Haifa’s port area and several new college mergers have been agreed, allowing for expansion into new disciplines.
We invite you to explore the University repeatedly voted Israel’s most beautiful campus, the University where extraordinary national treasures can be found in-house at the Hecht Museum, the University most committed to strengthening Israeli society, the University for Israel.